The Enid Blyton Society
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The Teachers World


Volume XLVII. Issue 1520. Evans Brothers. July 13, 1932.
Enid Blyton's Children's Corner (p 587)
The Folk's Glove
(3v X 4)
Once on a time, so I've heard tell,
The Little Folk washed their gloves in the dell,
Enid Blyton's Letter
Dear Girls and Boys, I hope you are all getting nice and brown in the sunshine we are having!
A Letter from Bobs
Dear Children, You know those crumbs we planted, don't you? Well, they haven't come up, and...
(used in Letters From Bobs (Letter no. 18) [Privately Printed, October 1933])
Uncollected Poem
Enid Blyton's and Bobs' Letters