Black and White printed Book?

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Black and White printed Book?

Post by dancerlottie79 »

I am looking for information regarding a book my Grandad read to me as a child
I remember...
It was printed in black and white
It was hard back in beige colour
It was very small and square shape
Noddy went into the Dark woods, Big ears went missing, Noddy was scared
The goblins were either hiding Big Ears or trying to take the car (I was very scared of the Goblins and this has stayed with me)
The art work imagery I remember the most it looked like ink drawings nothing like the bright Noddy books now, an image of the Goblins looking out of a hole in a tree really scared me!
Unfortunatly my Grandad has passed away and my Gran is also succumbing to Alzheimers, she threw all the books she had away including this one book I wanted to keep so much
If anyone can think of the title or any suggestions of books printed in black or white I would be most gratefull
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