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Re: For people who have been to recent Enid Blyton days...

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 17:23
by Julie2owlsdene
That brings back memories of a great Enid Blyton Day. :D


Re: For people who have been to recent Enid Blyton days...

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 18:58
by Jamie
Pippa-Stef wrote:It's a bad picture of me, but this might give you more an idea of Marcus Harris' height. I'm about 5"6 and a Half. I don't think he was bending down.

I got ...

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Re: For people who have been to recent Enid Blyton days...

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 19:13
by Moonraker
It is a link to a Facebook page, maybe you need to be a "friend" to view it, Jamie? Funnily enough, I notice it opens for me in my Facebook page, which I don't quite understand. Maybe it's because I'm signed in permanently?

You can see the pictures by clicking HERE.