The Enid Blyton Society
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The Teachers World


Volume XLVI. Issue 1499. Evans Brothers. February 17, 1932.
Enid Blyton's Children's Page (p 719)
Photograph of Bobs by a tin of corn
Brer Rabbit Gets His Dinner
Once Brer Rabbit peeped in a Brer Fox's window and saw him setting out a mighty fine dinner.
(used in Brer Rabbit and His Friends [W. & A.K. Johnston, July 1937])
Enid Blyton's Letter
Dear Boys and Girls, Have you been out walking in the country very much lately? I don't know...
A Letter from Bobs
Dear Children, Isn't it too bad? Sandy and I don't have meat any more! Only dry biscuits!
Enid Blyton's and Bobs' Letters