The Enid Blyton Society
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The Teachers World


Volume XLIV. Issue 1445. Evans Brothers. February 4, 1931.
Enid Blyton's Children's Page (p 735)
Drawing of two of Enid's aconites
The Vain Fox
Once upon a time a fox found an old hat in a ditch. He put it on his head, and at once thought...
(used in Five-Minute Tales [Methuen, October 1933])
The Gardener
(2v: 1 X 4, 1 X 12)
In the garden every day
The gardener digs and delves away,
Enid Blyton's Letter
Dear Girls and Boys, Aren't you glad to have left January behind and to be in February? I am!
A Letter from Bobs
Dear Children, Do you know, when I went out yesterday, I trod on a prickly twig and got a thorn...
Uncollected Poem
Enid Blyton's and Bobs' Letters