The Enid Blyton Society
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The Teachers World


Volume XXXIV. Issue 1139. Evans Brothers. February 3, 1926.
Enid Blyton's Nature Lessons [Lesson 22]
Flowers of Trees
(p 909) (written 5/1/26)
(ill Enid Blyton)
(drawn 4/1/26)
I wonder if you know what the hidden treasure is. I can tell you if you can't guess.
(used in Enid Blyton's Nature Lessons (Ch 12) [Evans Brothers, August 1929])
From My Window – Enid Blyton's Weekly Talk
What the Chaffinch Said
(p 911) (written 8/1/26)
Sometimes when I go down to the country to take a look at Elfin Cottage and see how the...
Music Supplement No. 12 – A Song for Children
The League of Nations
(p II-III) (3v X 8 + chorus 4 lines) (written 19/1/26)
Stand up and sing the noble song
Of Brotherhood and Peace,
'From My Window' Article